Cara Configurasi Switch Huawei S2700
Pada postingan sebelumnya telah di share cara Configurasi Switch BDCOM, Posting kali ini akan mengshare Tutorial Cara Konfigurasi Switch Huawei S2700
Tools yang harus disediakan
1. Laptop
2. Switch Huawei S2700
3. Kabel Aten RS232
4. Kabel Console (bisa pakai kabel Console miliks CISCO)
5. Putty Software
Step by Step
1. Pastikan bahwa kabel Aten sudah terdeteksi di Laptop / PC.
2. Integrasikan / Sambungkan kabel Aten dan console.
3. Port USB pada kabel Aten colokkan ke Port USB di Laptop, kemudian kabel Console dicolokkan ke port Console di Huawei S2700.
4. Buka Putty -> Pilih Serial -> Pastikan COM sama dengan yang terdeteksi di laptop
<Switch > system-view
# membuat hostname pada Switch Huawei S270
[Switch] sysname SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01
# membuat vlan database (vlan nms dan vlan service)
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]vlan 100
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]description NMS
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]vlan 101
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]description Link AP-Lt.1
# memberikan IP Address pada Switch Huawei S270
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]ip address
# membuat ip route NMS
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]ip route-static
# configurasi port Ethernet0/0/1 dengan mode access
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]interface Ethernet0/0/1
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]port link-type access
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]port default vlan 101
# configurasi port ethernet 0/0/1 mode trunk
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]interface Ethernet0/0/1
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]port link-type trunk
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]port trunk allow-pass vlan 100 101
#configurasi port GigabitEthernet0/0/1
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]description Trunk to ISP/PoP
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]port link-type trunk
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]port trunk allow-pass vlan 100 101
# memberikan username dan password
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]local-user opb password cipher opb@98
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]local-user opb privilege level 15
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]local-user opb service-type telnet
# memberikan access telnet
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]user-interface vty 0 4
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]authentication-mode aaa
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]user privilege level 15
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]idle-timeout 90 0
# keluar dari config
# Simpan Configurasi
The current configuration will be written to the device.
Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]Y
Now saving the current configuration to the slot 0 .
Info: Save the configuration successfully.
# Perintah - perintah yang sering digunakan
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]undo shutdown
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
# melihat port yang aktif di switch Huawei S270
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]dis int brief
# melihat seluruh configurasi di switch Huawei S270
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]dis current-configuration
# melihat configurasi port ethernet 1
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]dis current-configuration int Ethernet0/0/1
# melihat configurasi port GigabitEthernet 1
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]dis current-configuration int GigabitEthernet0/0/1
# melihat mac-add di port ethernet 1
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]dis mac-add dyn Ethernet0/0/1
# melihat mac-add vlan 101
[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]dis mac-add vl 101
# Melihat Rx (Received Optical)
[[SW-OPISBOY.Lt2.S2700-CPE-01]]dis transceiver diagnosis interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/1
Port GigabitEthernet0/0/1 transceiver diagnostic information:
Parameter Current Low Warning High Warning
Type Value Threshold Threshold Status
------------- --------- ----------- ------------ --------
TxPower(dBm) -3.29 -7.00 2.00 normal
RxPower(dBm) -13.81 -26.02 0.00 normal
Current(mA) 11.42 0.00 100.00 normal
Temp.(C) 46.07 -45.00 90.00 normal
Voltage(V) 3.28 2.70 3.80 normal
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